Check Out the Awesome: Hume Elementary

In recent weeks at Hume Elementary we have been finishing up the story of "Sila and the Land" by Shelby Angalik (Inuk), Ariana Roundpoint (Mohawk), and Lindsay DuPré (Métis). Lessons from the Land that we have learned alongside Sila have included:
-the Salmon's teaching of the importance of returning home after an adventure and sharing one's stories and knowledge. As a symbol to help us remember this teaching we made our own sharing sticks.
- the Maple Tree's message in the story is that we all have roots and just like a tree, we are nourished by them. We explored our own identities and what it means to "listen not just with our ears, but with our roots as well" . The students and I had a lot of fun getting messy making "Me Trees".
We are really looking forward to learning on the Land with the students in the upcoming weeks through the assorted Winter Activities.
Submitted by Zoe Oppenheim, Aboriginal Academic Success Teacher, Hume Elementary School