Check Out the Awesome: Salmo Elementary
At Salmo Elementary, we have been joyfully celebrating Indigenous Brilliance in many meaningful ways. One teaching shared with me by Donna Wright emphasized the deep interconnectedness of culture and well-being- a lesson that has profoundly guided us.
Drumming has become a central focus of our weekly Indigenous Education time. First and foremost, we recognize what a significant act of Reconciliation it is to drum in schools today when not long ago it was strictly forbidden. With our hearts full of joy, we sing and drum, sometimes even disrupting nearby classes as our joy is reflected in our volume.
Last week a student declared, " I don't know why, but I love drumming the Eagle Song so much!". That sentiment resonates with us all- drumming lifts our spirits, fills us with a sense of connection, and brings energy to the rest of our day. The joy it sparks permeates and enriches every part of our learning environment.