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Health, Wellness, and Reconciliation: Run Walk Wheel Training

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The #sd8abed 8 week Run Walk Wheel training will start April 8th! This year’s theme is around Health, Wellness, and Reconciliation. Each week, there will be teachings shared around these themes, along with some tips and information for training to work toward the Reconciliation Run Walk Wheel in all SD8 Schools in June. We won’t be following any particular program, it will be up to staff to choose something listed on the website. Or create your own. The point of this all is for all of us.. staff, students, community, families.. to get outside and move our bodies.. walk, wheel, run. Work with your own ability. Breathe fresh air. Get sun in our eyes and on our skin (with sunscreen). Connect with the Land. Connect with the Water. And turn our thoughts to the journey of Reconciliation.

All information will be shared here!

Week 1 - April 8 - 12 - What is Reconciliation?

     Learn more about what Reconciliation means from this clip from CBC Kids. What does the word Reconciliation mean to you?

Week 2 - April 15 - 19 - How do you connect with the Land around you?

     Part of the journey of Reconciliation is thinking about the Land we are on, the Land around us. How does our relationship with and to Land impact our journey of Reconciliation? 

     Reconciliation Happens on the Land – Indigenous Leadership Initiative (read)

     Reconciliation Begins with the Land – Isaac Murdoch (video) (all ages)

     It’s All About the Land – Pam Palmater with Taiaiake Alfred (video, Intermediate and Secondary)

     Relationships to the Land – Great Bear Rainforest Trust (read)

     Land As Teacher: Understanding Indigenous Land-based education – UNESCO (read)

     Land-based Learning Lesson Plans – The National Centre for Collaboration in Indigenous Education (all ages, et français)

     Ktunaxa Nature Walk: Alfred Joseph’s Walkabout – Outdoor Learning Store (resource)

     Lesson Plans – Whose Land (all grade levels)

Week 3 - April 22 - 26 - What can we do to protect the Water and esnure Water is availalbe for future generations? How do we build a reciprocal relationship with Water?

     Indigenous Schools Water Program – Water First (all ages)

     Learning about Water from Traditional Teachings – BC Hydro (gr 4-6)

     Learning from and with Water – Indigenous STEAM (all ages)

     We Are Water Protectors – Carole Lindstrom (Anishinaabe and Metis)

     Gatherings XV: Youth Water Anthology(read)

     The Water Sings to Suli – Harron Hall (Syilx) (read, K-3)

     Meet Clean Water Activist Autumn Peltier – CBC Kids

     Canadian teen tells UN to ‘warrior up’ to protect water – CBC (read

Week 4 - April 29 - May 3 - What connections do you make with your health between mind, body, spirit, and heart?

The Honourable Steven Point recently shared with our School District that "Reconciliation begins inside of you, then extends outward." What are the ways our personal heatlh and wellness can help us move toward Reconcilation?

     Being Active – First Nations Health Authority

     Eating Healthy – First Nations Health Authority

     Nurturing Spirit – First Nations Health Authority

     First Nations Perspective on Health and Wellness – First Nations Health Authority

     Coyote’s Food Medicines – First Nations Health Authority

     Food is Medicine Cooking Show – ISPARC

     FitNation Workout Series - ISPARC

Week 5 - May 6 - 10 - How do connections to culture help shape our health? 

When we as Indigenous Peoples can step into and connect to cultural ways of knowing, being, and doing, we are taking steps toward the health and well-being of our selves, our families, our communities. In what ways does your culture help to shape your health?

     Elder Teachings #EldersSpeak – First Nations Health Authority

     Pow Wow Teachings – teachings about Pow Wow

     Pow Wow Sweat – workout with Pow Wow Dance moves

     Pow Wow Move of the Day – try the Pow Wow move of the day

     Indigenous Languages, Health & Wellness (read)

     First Nations Perspective on Health and Wellness – First Nations Health Authority

Week 6 - May 13 - 17 - How does learning about traditional Medicines impact our health as Indigenous Peoples? How does learning about this help move us toward Reconciliation?

Language is Medicine. Dancing is Medicine. Movement is Medicine. Berry picking is Medicine. Gathering is Medicine. Foraging is Medicine. When we as Indigenous Peoples connect to these traditional Medicines, we are connecting with thousands of years of Ancestral memory and story. Learning about these traditional Medicines and how they are used can help move us toward Reconciliation. What do you know about traditional Medicines?

     Respecting Tobacco – First Nations Health Authority

     First Nations Approaches to Traditional Medicine – First Nations Health Authority

     BC Curricular Connections to Traditional Medicines - UBC

Week 7 - May 21 - 24 - Allyship. How can Canadians moved toward Allyship with Indigenous Peoples in a good way?

Listening. Acts of Reconciliation. Supporting Indigenous artists. Amplifying Indigenous voices and peoples. These are all actions Canadians can take to moved toward Reconciliation and Allyship with Indigenous Peoples. 

     How to be an ally to Indigenous Peoples in Canada – CBC Kids

    10 Principles of Reconciliation – Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada

     Truth & Reconciliation Allyship – National Centre for Truth & Reconciliation

Week 8 – What is your personal and professional commitment to Reconciliation?

We are all on the journey of Reconcilaition. The movement and learning we have taken on in the past 8 weeks connects us all on the journey. We are all taking strides and movement, and our journeys may not look the same, but we are all on the course. This week, reflect on your personal and professional commitments to Reconciliation. This week is our final week of learning and moving and next week, we will all participate in the Reconciliation Run Walk Wheel at our schools and sites. 

     ReconciliACTION plans – National Centre for Truth & Reconciliation

     Back Pocket Reconciliation Plan – Reconciliation Canada

     Spirit Bear’s Calendar Guide to Reconciliation – First Nations Child & Family Caring Society


Guides for RunWalkWheel Training

Dynamic stretches – to do before going out and walking running wheeling

Static stretches – to do after finishing walking running wheeling

Stretches for wheelchair users - infographic – stretching for wheelchair users

Warm up/Cool down – Pow Wow Sweat

Linking Indigenous Cultural Sports and Activities to Physical Literacy – School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy

Games Celebrating Indigenous Ways of Knowing - School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy

Movement Activity Cards – School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy

Playground Circuits – School Physical Activity and Physical Literacy

30 Day Walking Challenge – Gillian Judson (with Indigenous connections and FPPL connections)

Walking Forward: Learning From Place – Heidi Wood & Gillian Judson

Indigenous RunWalkWheel Tips - ISPARC

     “Together, Canadians must do more than just talk about reconciliation; we must learn how to practice reconciliation in our everyday lives—within ourselves and our families, and in our communities, governments, places of worship, schools, and workplaces. To do so constructively, Canadians must remain committed to the ongoing work of establishing and maintaining respectful relationships.”

 - The Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada Final Report (volume one)


Reconciliation Resources

Learn more about the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action

National Narrative Report on Reconciliation – Reconciliation Canada

Spirit Bear’s Calendar Guide to Reconciliation – First Nations Child & Family Caring Society

Spirit Bear Films – First Nations Child & Family Caring Society

Orange Shirt Day Society – Lesson plans, resources, videos, and activities for all grade levels

Orange Shirt Day Society – Phyllis’ Story

Orange Shirt Day Society – Histoire de la journée du chandail orange

National Film Board of CanadaTruth & Reconciliation

National Film Board of Canada - Orange Shirt Day Films and Lessons

National Film Board of Canada - Indigenous Cinema

FNESC – Video Resources for Indian Residential Schools and Reconciliation

National Centre for Truth & Reconciliation – ReconciliACTION plans

Reconciliation Canada – Back Pocket Reconciliation Plan

Gord Downie – Secret Path

Every Child Matters – Reconciliation through Education

The Witness Blanket – An invitation to bear witness to Indian Residential Schools in Canada

Picking up the Pieces – The Making of the Witness Blanket (film)

Monique Gray Smith on "Why we need to learn" (video)

Lesson Plans from BCTF Classroom Resources:

     215 Le Estcwicwéy: Honouring the Children buried at Kamloops Indian Residential School

     Gladys We Never Knew: The Life of a Child in a BC Indian Residential School

     Timeline History of Aboriginal Peoples in BC

     Beyond September 30: Doing the Work

Teacher Pay Teachers – Truth & Reconciliation lessons and resources

CBC Kids – What does Reconciliation Mean?

AHS – Acts of Reconciliation You Can Do With Your Child

Historica Canada – Timeline of Residential Schools in Canada

Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada – History of Residential Schools

Namwayut: we are all one. Truth & Reconciliation in Canada – CBC

Healing a Nation Through Truth & Reconciliation – Chief Dr. Robert Joseph

British Columbia: An Untold History – Knowledge Network

First Contact – APTN

First Peoples Principles of Learning - FNESC


Preparing for the Reconciliation Run Walk Wheel event

Please see the document here for tips and ideas for an event at your school. All events will take place during the week of June 3rd to 7th.